100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

Matematika tentukan keliling bangun disamping​

tentukan keliling bangun disamping​


K = 4 × s

= 4 × 20

= 80 cm

` done `

Lengkungan di bangun tersebut adalah Busur

Menghitung busur = sudut/360 x 2*pi*r
= 1/4 x 2*3.14*10
= 1/2 x 31,4
= 15,7 cm

Keliling = (10x4) + (15,7x2) = 40 + 31,4 = 71,4 cm [answer.2.content]