100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

B. Indonesia bntu ya ad contoh di atas​

bntu ya ad contoh di atas​


a. (24x12) +(24x8) =24x(12+8) =288+192=480

b. (30x-(6)) - (30x(-16)) =30x(-6-(-16) = -180-(-480) = -180+480=300

c. 20x((-10) -11) =(20x(-10)) -(20x11) = -200-220= -420

d. 30x(22-(-7)) =(30x22) -(30x(-7)) =660-(-210) =660+210=870

e. (25x4) -(25x8) =25x(4-8) =100-200= -100


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