100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

100% YES! The Energy of Success: Release Your Resistance Align Your Values Go for Your Goals U

Matematika 24+ ((-10)+16) = (24+ n) + (-10), nilai r yang tepat adalah....​

24+ ((-10)+16) = (24+ n) + (-10), nilai r yang tepat adalah....​

24+ ((-10)+16) = (24+ n) + (-10)

24+ ((-10)+16) = 30


(24+ n) + (-10) = 30

24 + (10) + n = 30

40 + n = 30

n = 40 - 30

n = 10

jadi, nilai n yang tepat adalah 10


semoga membantu:)
